How Chiropractic Exams Can Uncover Systemic Illness

When you go to a chiropractor for back pain, they will perform a comprehensive physical examination. Your examination may also involve diagnostic imaging tests such as an ultrasound or a traditional x-ray. The combination of a physical examination and imaging tests will help your chiropractic physician determine if you have a problem with your spine, a herniated disc, muscle spasms, a whiplash injury, or even a systemic illness. Here are some clues to systemic illness that may be revealed during your chiropractic examination.

Severe Flank Pain And Inflammation

If you experience severe flank pain while your doctor is palpating your back during your examination or if they discover a lump or swelling near your kidney, then your chiropractor may suspect that you have a problem with your renal system. Tumors of the kidney can present with severe back or flank pain and a lump in the area of the kidney.

If your chiropractor believes that you may have a kidney tumor based upon the results of the examination, then they may ask your further questions. Your doctor may ask you if you have been experiencing any weight loss, fatigue, or blood in your urine. If you have experienced any of these signs, then your chiropractor will refer you back to your primary care physician for additional testing.

Ankle Swelling

Not only does a chiropractic examination include an assessment of your back and spine, but it also includes your neck, arms, and lower extremities. If your chiropractor notices that you have ankle swelling, otherwise known as edema, they may suspect that you have circulation problems that may be related to cardiovascular or renal disease.

Your chiropractor may ask you about your dietary habits, and if you reveal that your diet is high in sodium, then they may conclude that you are simply retaining fluid as a result of consuming too much dietary salt. If your diet is low in sodium, however, you will need to make an appointment with your family physician for further testing.

Before you visit your family doctor, your chiropractic physician may perform an ultrasound study on your legs to assess the blood flow in your veins. The chiropractor will give you a copy of your ultrasound results so that you can bring them to your primary care doctor.

If you have back pain, make an appointment with your chiropractor. Depending upon the results of your examination, they will either develop a treatment plan to eliminate your pain or refer you back to your family physician for further testing and treatment.

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More Than A Cracked Back

Chiropractors crack your back. Of course, they actually do a lot more than that. What feels like a cracking is actually your chiropractor moving your vertebrae back into alignment. This can alleviate pressure on nerves and muscles, helping to alleviate back and neck pain. Chiropractic care can also have positive effects on your mentality, your ability to sleep, and even your immune system? That's pretty amazing if you think about it. At least, we think it is. We're pretty passionate about chiropractic care, and we think you will come to share that passion after a visit to the chiropractor and some time spent reading on this website.



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